Witness Summary Information


Thank you for participating as a witness through the University Conduct Process at the University of Notre Dame.

You were instructed at the Conference or Hearing to submit a typed witness summary.

Please keep in mind the following about the witness summary you will be submitting:

  • The summary will be used by the conduct officers [the University administrator(s) who met with the student]..The summary will be compared to the notes taken by the conduct officers to ensure that the conduct officers understood the information you shared.
  • Please do not include information (in your summary) that you did not share at the Conference or Hearing.
  • The witness summary is not intended to be a character reference. 
  • The summary  you submit will be included in the student's conduct record, the student has the ability to review the information you submit.


  • Please include your name on the first page of the document.
  • Save your file as a Word or PDF document.
  • Upload your file the online form found below by the prescribed date and time.




Please contact the Office of Community Standards via email at ocs@nd.edu if you have any questions about the witness summary.